The Unshakeable Anchor
​You're the human equivalent of a sturdy oak tree – grounded, dependable, and ready for whatever life throws your way. Your gift is stability and resilience, providing a solid foundation for yourself and others.
The Gifts of the Unshakeable Anchor:
You're the friend everyone turns to when life gets stormy
Your energy seems boundless, like you've got an extra battery pack
Money management? You've got it down to an art
You've got survival skills that would impress Bear Grylls (if you don’t know who he is look him up - he’s impressive)
Nature is your second home, and you thrive in the great outdoors
Your work ethic? Legendary. You get things done, period
The Shadow Aspects of the Unshakeable Anchor:
You might worry about money even when your bank account is healthy
Sometimes you hold onto things (or people) way past their expiration date
Trusting others can feel like a monumental challenge
Your body might be trying to tell you something with those aches and pains
Remember, it's okay to let go sometimes. Your strength isn't just in holding on, but also in knowing when to release.
​Here’s what I want you to do: take a moment to identify one thing you're holding onto that no longer serves you. It could be a physical item, a grudge, or an old belief. Now, create a small ritual to release it - write it down and burn the paper, donate the item, or simply declare out loud that you're letting it go. This act of release can create space for new growth and even deeper stability.
The key is recognizing and nurturing the gifts while gently acknowledging and working with the shadow aspects. It's all part of the beautiful, complex journey of being human!