Discover Your Unique Ability with the 7 Natural Gifts Assessment
We each have a natural genius. Think of it like a key unlocking your unique abilities. Once you know your natural genius, you start recognizing your gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. It brings clarity and inner peace, helping you become your best self.
Grab a paper and pen and answer these 7 simple questions to discover the gift of who you are.
When you're finished click on the button that corresponds with your answers.
When faced with a challenge, you typically:
Your friends would most likely describe you as:
In your free time, you prefer to:
When making decisions, you usually:
Your greatest strength is:
When you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you tend to:
In challenging situations, you sometimes find yourself:
Which one are you?
Click on the button that aligns with your results.
My name is Amber Dobkins
I am a firm believer in the extraordinary potential that each of us hold within. My mission is to inspire and empower individuals to break free from soul-sucking, mundane routines and embrace a life brimming with passion and purpose.
I am committed to helping others unlock their potential and create a vibrant, meaningful existence that transcends the ordinary.
I've been transforming lives since 2018 utilizing energy healing and personal growth techniques.