My life changed the day I mustered up the courage to go against the grain and create the life of my dreams. I remember that day as if it were yesterday.
It was five years ago. Back then, I was an unhappy wife and mother who struggled with depression and anxiety. Each day I would wake up with the regret of who I'd become. Somehow I'd lost myself in all my roles of serving others. Yelling at my kids, belittling them, or being grumpy for no reason other than life just wasn't enjoyable became all too normal for me.
At the same time, my husband and I were growing apart; the spark was completely gone. The days seemed to blend together, and life felt like it wasn't worth living. While my hubby was at work, I would plan our divorce - he had no idea things had gotten this bad. I also had no idea how we got to this point, but I knew I couldn't keep living in misery.
We tried everything we could think of to help our marriage - counseling, marriage books, seeking help from friends and family, etc. Nothing seemed to help.
I desperately searched for another answer. That's when I found alternative healing, which was very different than the conventional methods we had been using. I started focusing on healing myself and stopped trying to fix my marriage. Soon, the nights of crying myself to sleep turned into nights of thanking the Divine for another day!
While working on my personal and spiritual growth, I noticed my kids were struggling with the same things I was. My fears, pain, and struggles were being passed down to them. My passion quickly turned toward breaking the chains of toxic traits and handing down healthier habits.
My intuition told me I needed to do something drastic to save my family. That week, I took out a loan and told my husband if he wanted to save this marriage and help our kids, we would have to invest in healing and personal development. He agreed! So, I booked a condo in Utah and signed us all up for an energy healing conference that would take place a few weeks later.
During that conference, we learned a ton about ourselves. We didn't know it at the time, but our family would never be the same after attending the Energy Healing Conference. Life took a turn for us in a positive way. That was back in 2017!
Today, we are a happy little family. We worked through the struggles and supported each through the transition to creating healthy bonds with each other. My husband and I even rekindled the spark.
