I had a dream the other night that I couldn’t escape my death because I was “too short.”
In real life I’m 5’1” and have had a love/hate relationship with my height.
In my dream I died because I thought my height would hold me back from out running the person wishing to do me harm.
But let me tell what else happened in that dream.....
I was able to reverse time just enough to change my mindset and escape. Time reversed to the moment I gave up and accepted my height as a flaw, as a death to what I wanted to achieve.
So what was my mindset shift that saved my life in my dream?

It was that my short height couldn't get places that a taller person couldn’t get to. It became my superpower and the very thing that saved me.
So if you have a “flaw” that you dwell on and think it holds you back, I encourage you to look at it form a different perspective.
What can you do with your flaw that others can’t do?